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Book + online course by Springer Nature

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  • Combining the qualities of an authored work with the communicative power of online learning
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  • Complementing books with multimedia online courses
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Brought awareness on me as an individual that I might be biased towards others without noticing or being concious about it.

Bukula Skhosana

Measure taking by actors to reduce emissions1, eg.providing subside for renewable energy or CO2 free technology, CO2 price,

My like: actors are informing the world most especially developing countries about climate change and global warming and how to reduce the emissions. Dislike: Develop counties reluctant to implement climate change police, develop countries are the high usual of energy.


New knowledge unlocked

I have read some books about globalization and supply chain in the past but I had so much interesting topics discussed in the chapters I already finished. Every discussion is loaded with useful and timely information

Josephine Prudente

Inhaltlich gehaltvoll und sehr gut strukturiert!

Ich fand den Kurs kompakt, informativ und inhaltlich anspruchsvoll gestaltet. Besondere Freude bereitet die interaktive Beteiligungsmöglichkeit und die Möglichkeit zur Diskussion mit anderen Kursteilnehmern.

Catherine Battle

Auf meine eigenen Regenerationsphasen achten...

Danke für die Erinnerung und Anregung durch diesen Kurs auch mal wieder auf die eigene Balance ein wenig aufmerksamer zu achten.

Sybille Schmitt

I recommend this course

Very happy for completing and obtaining a certificate from DervalResearch on the Science of Colors: from Product to Experience Design. Thank you Prof. Diana Derval for the wonderful experience! I recommend this course for those interested in product management and consumer psychology.

Dr Abdulelah Al-Thagafi

enjeux de préservation de la vie rurale

cette vidéo devrait être plus diffusée dans les cours sur le syndicalisme afin de montrer l'importance des centrale syndical. les travailleurs industriels et les paysans et pécheurs auront au final les même problématique de santé pour ceux vivants autour de ce fleuve.


Sehr lehrreich!

Mir hat der Kurs jetzt gegen Ende der Weiterbildung zur systematischen Beraterin viel gebracht - und mir für meine Arbeit mit Klientinnen neue Impulse gegeben, die die erlernten Kenntnisse vertiefen! Vielen Dank!

Kirsten Michler

Ich bin begeistert! Ein abstraktes Thema wie Business-Storytelling wird umsetzbar: Durch klare Bausteine und praxisorientierte Schritte, die durchlaufen werden. Die Mischung aus kurzen Videos, visueller Unterstützung und eigenen Übungen macht den Kurs sehr wertvoll und bringt großen Nutzen.

Ingeborg Molster

It was well paced. Their delivery is formidable and I don't see any issues regarding to the topic, I am indeed interested into this lesson.

I love the part where she mentioned the renewable energy and other energies as well its drawback. I love the part where they mentioned about how it will affect us and they even share knowledge about how to reduce it.

Mr Marlon Quiamco Jr.


Les syndicats n'ont pas connaissance des réalités du réchauffement climatique et de ses impacts sur l'environnement et la population

Mr Valère Rabet

In as much as women are more vulnerable to discrimination and abuse, being united and organised helps minimise the vulnerability. being under privileged does not mean that you do not have rights.

I liked the way the researchers presented their researches, it was very informative and encouraging. I liked the course though i think there can be an improvement on workshop reminders.

tatenda. beauty chiwara

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Welcome to the Springer Campus Academy! Discover our carefully selected range of online courses, especially for professionals in the laboratory and pharmaceutical sector. We are delighted that you are interested in our courses and hope that they will help you in your professional and personal career development. Whether you are just starting your career or have already gained a lot of experience, our courses off...
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StudyBuddy courses help students prepare for exams and are based on Springer textbooks and additional digital content. They offer a “Fast Track” version for students shortly before the exam and “In Depth” content for students aiming for top grades.
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